First start off with some random fruit. Whatever you have in the fridge.

Chop up the fruit into some bite size pieces and add to some Tupperware

Then grab whatever yogurt you have! I have recently become HUGE fan of Greek Style Yogurt. Why? Because it packs double if not triple the protein of regular yogurt without adding that many extra calories, plus I get the all natural version which has no added chemicals!

Add the yogurt on top of the fruit so that you create a nice top layer. Then drizzle some honey and cinnamon over the yogurt. This will help cut the bitterness of the Greek yogurt and add some delicious flavor without added calories.
Next make a mini pita pizza!

Take whatever cheeses you have in the fridge and whatever herbs and stick them in a small Tupperware container. I picked basil, fresh mozzarella, and ricotta cheese.

Then take whatever spaghetti sauce you have and throw it into another container
Some almonds for a snack!

and some watermelon

Then finished! Takes five minutes and I have a great nutritional lunch!

Like I have stated before preparing your own meals is really essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Take five minutes out of your morning or even pack your lunch the night before and throw it in the fridge! This will help you from over-splurging on takeout or snack on empty caloric food!
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