Friday, June 25, 2010


Today I woke up at 7am and went to LA Boxing for my morning workout. Let me tell you I have never worked out that hard in my entire life! Listed Below is the work out I did. This is an advance Kickboxing workout so if you are a newbie decrease the number/time of the sets. If any part of your body starts to hurt (besides the normal burning from working out unused muscles)stop immediately!

Warm up: Jump Rope

1 minute Regular Jump Roping
1 minute jumping rope, but every time you mess up or stop you have to do a push-up
1 minute regular
1 minute 2 rotations (jump rope 2x)then 2 push-ups
1 minute double dutch jump rope (try to jump twice in one rotation)

*newbie's cut minute sets down to 30 seconds*

Free Weights:

*Grab a free weight that is a little larger than your comfort zone. For example, grab a 10lb weight if you are used to working with 8lbs*

Exercise 1: Start by standing up straight with your weight out in front of you. Then drop one knee to the ground and then the other so you are kneeling. Explode of the ground one knee at a time driving your heel into the ground as you stand back up. The object is to do the exercise as fast as you can. Do not stay kneeling on the ground because it will cause knee discomfort. DO three 1 minute sets with a rest in between each set.

Rest: Your resting sets are holding the weight above your head while doing front kicks. During your rests try and keep your heart beat up, but practice slowing down your breathing and catching your breath.

Exercise 2: Go into a deep squat position. Make sure your comfortable and not causing any stress to the knees. You should be feeling this exercise in your quads not your knees. Hold the weight out in front of your body. The main objective of this exercise is to stay in the squat position as long as possible. If holding the weight out in front of you starts to hurt your neck bring it a little closer to your chest. However, do not rest your elbows on your body. If your arms get tired then begin doing chest pumps until you can hold your arms out again. Do 3-1 minute sets.

Rest: Staying in the squat position start doing chest pumps with the weight for 30 seconds. Then go back to the regular exercise.

Exercise 3: Place the weight on the ground next to you. Start doing continuous sprawls for 3-1 minute sets.

Rest: Balance on your butt lifting your feet off the ground. Hold the weight in front of you. Try balancing without touching the ground with your feet for one minute.

Bag Work:

*If you do not own a heavy bag then you can shadow box. Just act like there is someone in front of you. Try to move as much as possible. Remember the more immobile you are the less calories you will burn!*

Exercise 1: Put a pair of boxing gloves on. The object of this exercise is to push yourself to the limit, to make yourself "burnout". In 20 second intervals start punch the heavy bag as fast as you can. Don't worry about power, focus on speed. Do this for 6 sets

Rest: for 10 seconds lift your hands above your head. try to slow down your breathing/heart rate.

Exercise 2: Starting with your right leg continuously roundhouse kick the bag for a minute straight. Then switch to the left leg for a minute. Try to bounce as you kick the bag for optimal calorie burn.

Rest: Jumping Jacks or Deep Squats for one minute

Exercise 3: Interval Leg Work: kick with your right leg for 30 seconds then without missing a beat get on the ground and start doing mountain climbers for 30 seconds. Once done with that switch to the left leg for 30 seconds, then mountain climbers again.

Rest: Squats or Jumping Jacks

Exercise 4: Go into a deep squat. Then come half way up 10 times. After the 10th time explode up and round house kick the bag first with your right leg, then your left. Immediately go back to doing squats. Do 3-1 minute sets

Rest: Jab, Jab, Cross for 30 seconds

Core and Push Ups:

Exercise 1: Push Up Intervals: Get in push up position. Now do a push up but only go half way down then come back up. Then do a full push up, up and down. Then go half way down 2x, then do 2 full push ups, then half way down 3x and so on. Try and do a set of 10 or as many as you can. If you need to go to your knees that is completely fine!

Exercise 2: Lay on your butt and place your legs in the air around the heavy bag. Do a sit up and punch the bag 10 times. Repeat punching in intervals of 10 until you reach 100.

Exercise 3: Place your hands above your head and stretch your feet out. Sit half way up lifting your legs as you go to form a "V" shape with your body. Hold for 10 seconds then rest for 5 seconds. Repeat for 6 sets.

Exercise 4: Keep your legs stretched out in front of you. Lift them in the air and begin doing sit ups. Try to keep your legs as steady as possible in the air. Force your core to lay you down and sit you back up.

Outside Exercise:

Exercise 1: Do lunges half way down your street. Try and make sure you keep your back straight and that your knee does not extend over your toe. When you get to the destination jog back to the start line and immediately begin exercise 2.

Exercise 2: Start doing toe touches on a ledge of the sidewalk. Basically tap one foot on the top then the other, but at a quick pace. Be careful not to trip. Do this for 2 minutes straight. Then go to immediately to the next exercise

Exercise 3: Sit down on the sidewalk. Place your hands directly in front of your body parallel to the ground. Now stand up and sit back down. Do not use any other part of your body except your legs to lift yourself off the ground.

Exercise 4: Do the exact same thing as exercise 3 except this time only come about half way up in your squat. Once you are half way up punch the air 6 times and then sit back down. Repeat for 2 minutes

*To end exercise regiment repeat one more set of exercise 1 in the outdoor exercises*

There you go ladies and gents! Make sure if you get at all dizzy or feel faint during these exercises to slow down! Its good to push yourself, but don't overdo it, especially if you are a beginner!

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